Using VLC as UPnP renderer with rygel
I have a NAS, a smartphone and my local Computer. What todo with all this thinks? My NAS has a lot of multimedia files and my computer has a large monitor i thought why not connect all this thinks.
So here is my setup:
- my NAS as UPnP media server with all my movies
- my Smartphone with an UPnP control point app like BubbleUPnP
- and my linux machine
So now to the interessting part. rygel is a UPnP AV MediaServer. But rygel can also as as an player to recieve media files and play this. This is called a UPnP media renderer. Rygel provides a standalone Media Renderer based on GStreamer playbin. This play video and audio files, but thats´s it. You can´t even play a video in fullscreeen mode.
So here comes VLC in play with another protocoll called MPRIS. So i don´t get in to details here so MPRIS works and its connect VLC with our media renderer rygel.
So here is an example configuration for rygel. I have disabled all the stuff that isn´t necessary to just play our videos.
Rygel itself needs to know about all clients speaking MPRIS when it´s starts. So we need to start VLC before rygel. VLC should just stay in background until a video is played. So just start vlc with a dummy interface. And yes also the fullscreen mode. And a last command line option to disable that VLC display the stream path at the begining of a new track.
vlc --intf dummy --fullscreen --no-osd
After that you can run rygel. But wouldn't it be nice to have a startup script to run all that staff for you.
vlcCall="vlc --intf dummy --fullscreen --no-osd"
function cleanup(){
for pid in $(pgrep -f "$vlcCall"); do
kill -9 $pid
killall rygel
function waitCpuDecrease(){
while true; do
cpu=$(ps S -p $pid -o pcpu=)
sleep 0.2
[ $(bc <<< "$cpu < $lastCpu") == 1 ] && break
# killall rygel and vlc
# launch vlc in background
$vlcCall &
# wait until vlc has done most stuff
waitCpuDecrease $!
# start rygel